הרצאות וסדנאות

PACK-TECH ACADEMY מציעה לכם מגוון רחב של הרצאות בפרספקטיבה של 360 על עולם האריזה.

למידה מתמדת היא ערך עליון עבורי ולכן אני מקפידה ללמוד ,להתפתח ולהתעדכן באופן קבוע על חדשנות בתחום ולתרגמן להזדמנויות ויישומים חדשים. הצלחתי להתגבר על פחד הקהל שלי, והיום נהנית לשתף את הידע בהרצאות וסדנאות.
כיום אני מרצה בטכניון ,באוניברסיטאות ומכללות, מעבירה קורסים וסדנאות בארגונים ואורחת קבועה בכנסים בינלאומיים בנושאי אריזה וחדשנות.

List of lectures:

Chapter 1 – Why Packaging

  • The changing consumer-Understanding the diverse needs of the modern consumer and how packaging may fit in and create win- win
  • The chain value of packaging-Review of all the touch points of the packaging through the chain value and understanding the requirement from packaging of each
  • The role of packaging-The functional and emotional roles of packaging through all the moments of

Chapter 2 – Packaging development for different formats of packaging

  • The packaging development process-Packaging development process step by step from the briefing stage until launching the product in the
  • Cost reduction and optimization in packaging-Techniques and technologies to achieve optimization and cost reduction through all the chain value of packaging. Can be done as an interactive
  • Polymers in packaging-Introduction to the main polymers and additives used in packaging, their properties, and
  • Rigid plastic packaging-Introduction to the packaging formats of rigid plastics -the technologies of Extrusion, Thermoforming, Injection, EB and ISBM.
  • Flexibles-Introduction to the main materials and compositions, process of production, properties, and functionalities of the flexible
  • PAPER based packaging-Review of the paper production process, the different formats of paper and coated paper, duplex and corrugated cartons-properties and
  • Glass packaging-The glass packaging production process, the properties, and
  • Cans– The cans production process, materials, properties, and
  • High barrier packaging-High barrier packaging is required for protection of different products. Introduction to materials, compositions and technologies to create high barrier to O2, WVTR, UV and aroma in different formats of
  • Decoration-Introduction of the printing technologies, special effects, and formats of decorating

Chapter 3 – Extending shelf life with packaging

  • Food grade packaging and extending shelf life of products-What is food grade packaging and how can packaging extend shelf life of food
  • Canning, retort and HPP-Getting to know the different technologies, their process, properties, functionalities, and fitting packaging to the requirements of the
  • MAP and CAP-what is MAP and CAP, the difference between active and passive MAP, The process, properties, functionalities, and fitting packaging to the requirements of the
  • Aseptic packaging– The process, properties, functionalities, and fitting packaging to the requirements of the

Chapter 4 – Packaging and Sustainability

  • Designing an ecofriendly packaging strategy -The different approaches of developing an ecofriendly packaging. How to build the right strategy that will be impactful, feasible and fit the companies’
  • Design 4 optimization – The different ways to optimize the packaging functionality while reducing the impact of packaging on the environment. Introduction to the 4 less”.
  • Circular economy-What is circular economy and how can it be achieved in
    • Designing reusable packaging
    • Designing 4 recycling
    • Biodegradable/compostable packaging
  • Responsible sourcing in packaging-Introduction to the different way to source responsibly like renewable resources, recycled materials, and non-harmful materials
  • Non disposable packaging-Introduction to the different alternatives of non- disposable packaging
  • Sustainability and smart packaging-How implementation of smart packaging can assist in achieving better sustainable goals. Introduction to technologies and

Chapter 5 – Active and Intelligent packaging

  • Active packaging-What is active packaging, introduction to the different implications of active packaging. Examples of active
  • Intelligent packaging– What is intelligent packaging, introduction to the different implications of intelligent packaging. Examples of intelligent
  • Bridging the digital and the physical world through packaging-Packaging is a physical thing that can connect to the digital world and create a lot of new values. Introduction of the interactive packaging, technologies, values, and innovative
  • Designing packaging for 2025-The future packaging are much more sophisticated and therefore require extra attention in designing the packaging. Introduction to the idea of value creation and value extraction in packaging and the new partners and stages of the process.

Chapter 6 – Packaging as an effective marketing tool

  • Enhancing consumer experience through packaging-What is Emopackaging. Exposure of ways how packaging can create a strong and engaging experience to the consumer. Win -win and powerful
  • Packaging for the new normal-How does the new normal look like and how new trends in packaging can fit to the new normal
  • Story telling through packaging-Story telling has the powerful impact on the consumer, attracting, engaging, and influencing on their behavior. Screening the story telling elements, implementing them in packaging and turning it to a “success story”.
  • Biomimicry in packaging-What is biomimicry and how it can turn as an effective tool for designing packaging
  • Using the box to think outside the box-Looking at the packaging from new angles using all the elements of the packaging to create new values and innovative solutions. Learn new techniques and expose to innovative examples. Can be done as an interactive
  • Ecommerce and unboxing experience-A high percentage of buying has moved to the online and it requires different attention on how to develop a packaging suitable to ecommerce conditions and create the ultimate unboxing